
About Us

We are a leading automotive service provider in Singapore in terms of the number of cars maintained and/or repaired in 2015. We are able to maintain and repair a wide range of brands of passenger cars in Singapore. We offer a comprehensive range of passenger car services including (i) maintenance and repair services; and (ii) modification, tuning and grooming services. We also sell passenger car spare parts and accessories in Singapore and export to other countries, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, United Kingdom, PRC and Thailand.(Stock Code:8283) 

Our Group has over 14 years of experience in the passenger car service industry. Our Group is equipped with diagnostic equipment for the maintenance and repair of a wide range of passenger cars, including and especially luxury and ultra-luxury passenger cars. We modify and tune mainly luxury and ultra-luxury passenger cars, providing services ranging from aesthetic modifications such as installing bodykits, to performance modifications such as lowering the suspension of passenger cars and replacing of the engine control unit. As at 31 October 2016, we operated 2 service centres in Singapore, being our Sin Ming Service Centre and Commonwealth Service Centre. We understand and place great emphasis on high quality customer service as this can be a key differentiator from our competitors. We focus our modification, tuning and grooming services on luxury and ultra-luxury passenger cars. The owners of these kind of passenger cars generally place more value on high quality customer service. We believe that providing high quality customer service to each of our customers is the key to building customer relationships and attracting new customers. In line with this core business philosophy, we provide training to our customer service officers with the aim of promoting high customer satisfaction.

Established MBMW and set up our Group’s first service centre at Sin Ming Drive and commencement of the maintenance and repair business
Established KBS to provide modification, tuning and grooming services, and to sell automotive spare parts and accessories
Secured the exclusive dealership of Novitec products in Singapore
Set up our Group’s second service centre at Kung Chong Premises
Secured the exclusive distributorship of DMC products
Secured the exclusive distributorship of Eisenmann products in Singapore and exclusive distributorship of Novitec products in Malaysia
Secured the exclusive distributorship of RevoZport products in Singapore
Relocated to Commonwealth Premises
Secured the exclusive distributorship of products of a German car tuning parts brand in Singapore
Relocated our operations at our Kung Chong Service Centre to our Commonwealth Service Centre and our Sin Ming Service Centre
Listed on The Growth Enterprise Market ("GEM") of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("SEHK")
Official Launch of our new Sin Ming Autocity Service Centre
Board of Directors
Executive Directors

Mr. Kelvin LIM (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)

Mr. CHUA Boon Huo (Cai Wenhao)

Mr. CHEN Feng

Mr. YAN Jianqiang

Mr. YUAN Guoshun

Non-executive Directors
Mr. WU Tangqing
Independent non-executive Directors

Mr. LEUNG Yiu Cho

Mr.ZHANG Guangdong


Audit Committee

Mr. LEUNG Yiu Cho (Chairman)

Mr.ZHANG Guangdong


Remuneration Committee

Mr. LEUNG Yiu Cho (Chairman)

Mr. Kelvin LIM

Mr.ZHANG Guangdong

Nomination Committee

Mr.ZHANG Guangdong (Chairman)

Mr. Kelvin LIM


Risk Management Committee

Mr.ZHANG Guangdong (Chairman)

Mr. Kelvin LIM

Mr. CHUA Boon Hou(Cai Wenhao)